Faculty Management
The faculty of history, economics and rights was created on the base of Uralsk pedagogical university named after A.S. Pushkin on the 1 of September 1938.
Currently this faculty is one of the biggest faculties of the West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov.
The main mission of the faculty is the implementation of educational activities for training high quality specialists using educational Hi-tech and modern educational infrastructure in accordance with individual, society and government requirements.
There are 5 departments in the structure of the faculty: «The History of Kazakhstan», «The World history and socio-political disciplines», «Department of Legal Disciplines», «Economics and management», «Accounting and finance».
In faculty of history, economics and rights work 94 teachers, 7 of them are Doctors of Science, 48 teachers have PhDs, 3 candidates of economic sciences of the Russian Federation, 32 Masters of Science. The faculty implements students and Masters by retraining for the next educational baccalaureate and master’s programs:
Baccalaureate |
Magistracy |
History (ped.) |
Economics |
Fundamentals of economics and law |
Management |
International Relationship |
State and Local Government |
History(scientific) |
History (ped.) |
Jurisprudence |
History(scientific) |
Sociology |
Religious Studies |
Economics |
Management |
Accounting and Auditing |
Finances |
State and Local Government |
Marketing |
Tourism |
The research work in the faculty is focused on current problems of national history, regional economic problems and the development of legal literacy in civil society.
Students of the faculty have been doing science work since their first courses. Starting researchers participate in student and intercollegiate conferences, Olympiads. There are 9 scientific sections available for students. It’s: Panorama, Consensus, Young Scientist, Archeologist, Business and Entrepreneurship, Cruise, Modern Accountant, Financial Analyst, Criminologist. Students participate in the competition of student science work every year.
Contact Information
Dean’s Office of the faculty of history, economics and rights:
Address: Uralsk, Sarayshyk 34 street, corps №3, class №204
Phone: 51-20-39