Nesterenko Galina Ivanovna
Dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and Law: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Utesheva Saida Mamaevna
Deputy Dean for Academic and Methodical Work, Master of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Zhalekenova Gulbaram Tlekkabilovna
Deputy Dean for Educational Work, Senior Lecturer, Master of Humanities
Netalieva Tamara Kairbayevna

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The Faculty of History, Economics and Law was established on September 1, 1938 on the basis of the Ural Pedagogical Institute named after A.S.Pushkin. Currently, the faculty is one of the largest in the M.Utemisov West Kazakhstan University. The main mission of the faculty is to carry out educational activities for the training of highly qualified specialists using advanced learning technologies and modern educational infrastructure in accordance with the needs of the individual, society and the state.

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